Monday, February 25, 2013

Looking for a port in transformation

If you are looking for a particular port in a transformation (e.g. to link it to another transformation) you can select the desired transformation and press the first letter of the port name. In the below example, hitting "f" will loop through the higlighted ports:

Unfortunatelly, this doesn't work for Sources or Targets. So, the question is:

How to search Sources and Targets for ports?

The root cause of the trick not working for Sources and Targets is that in fact this works for the first visible column. In case of transformations it Name column - but for sources and targets by default Key is the first column:

It's quite easy to change it. Right-clicking a transformation brings up the menu, where you can choose the Set options...:

This will bring up a box where you can choose and set the order of the columns displayed for a given transformation type. In this particular example, you can choose to display the Name column as the first one for the Target transformation type:

Apply to take advantage of the ability to search through ports in Target transformations. In this example you can see that the Name column is the first one displayed. Hitting 'f' key will now loop over the highlighted ports:

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